You’ve noticed your loved one is irritable, a lot. They seem to be having problems at work and keeping up with family responsibilities. You know that when life gets tough, they’re reaching for the glass, or the bottle, far too often.
You want to help them to stop drinking.
If you have a loved one suffering from a drinking problem, you’re not alone. Countless families in Australia and around the world feel the impact of alcohol addiction.
The effects can be devastating, leading to serious health problems, strained relationships and financial troubles.
However, there is a solution to every problem, even this one. At SELF Heal, we understand the challenges and struggles involved and that’s why we offer a gentle, safe, healing path to freedom.

It starts with understanding
What you may not realise is that feelings of guilt, regret and shame are likely consuming your family member. They’ve probably tried a million things that haven’t worked and that’s frustrating to them. It’s painful.
The modern world is unpredictable, unstable and full of challenges. That’s why it’s so easy to turn to substances, like alcohol, for self-soothing. But when addiction creeps in, it can feel like being bound in chains.
SELF Heal’s very own Kim Page knows exactly what it’s like. She walked that path before learning to free herself of those chains, and now she’s helping families like yours.
“I know how hard it is to give up the things that you have used for so long to make you feel better. I have been there and I have felt the same feelings of hopelessness and despair.”
The first step on a transformative journey is having the desire. And the most powerful motivation for someone to make a positive change is family.

You are their reason
When it comes to addiction, it’s an emotional and challenging time for the person and everyone who loves them. Always approach your family member with love, honesty, empathy, compassion and a willingness to listen. Be patient, understanding and always avoid criticism.
You can encourage them to seek help, and assure them you’ll be right there to offer support throughout the healing process.
It’s so much easier to tackle life’s trials and tribulations when you know you aren’t alone. It can make all the difference.
And speaking of being alone, it’s important to remember that you are also not alone. Throughout this journey, make sure you prioritise your own self-care. You might find your own heart needs some healing too. And that’s perfectly normal.

Self-love can help your loved one overcome this
At SELF Heal, we’re here for you and your loved ones. We want your whole family to feel free again.
We offer Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing and Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) therapies that help our clients to find peace, purify their energy and transcend addictions and fears. Both SELF Healing and KAP are non-invasive and safe. The rituals involved focus on deepening energy flow and healing from the inside out.
And our plans are personalised because everyone is on their own unique journey.
Whatever it is that’s holding a person back, self-love can help – because self-love is the only thing that truly breaks cycles of destructive behaviour. Someone who loves themselves no longer feels a need to self-medicate to weather the storms of life.
If you have a family member and you’d like to help them to stop drinking, contact us today. The transformative and empowering nature of SELF Healing and Kundalini Healing therapies can be the solution to your loved one’s drinking problem.
To learn more, read other articles on self-healing.