SELF Heal Journey Course

Many of those who have experienced the emotional freedom and energy transition achieved from Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing by practitioner Kim Page wish to take their healing journey into a level of higher learning.

At SELF Heal, we not only offer personal Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing, but a SELF Heal Journey Course – allowing for a deeper experience and commitment to the ongoing journey of healing from within.

6 or 12 month SELF Healing Course


Level 1 – 6 months

  • 12 x 60 minute group sessions – $1,995 total
  • An additional introductory online group session
  • Access to a recorded healing session

Level 2 – 12 months

  • 12 x 60 minute group sessions – $1,495 total
  • Access to a recorded healing session

Book Level 1 Register Your Interest – Level 2

At SELF Heal, we not only offer personal Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing, but a SELF Heal Journey Course – allowing for a deeper experience and commitment to the ongoing journey of healing from within.

Heal yourself, help others

An online SELF Heal session will leave you arriving at a state of bliss, unencumbered by the pain of your past, the weight of your unmet expectations and the entrapment of your addiction and dependencies.

Once you can heal yourself, you will have room to offer your own healing learnings to help others.

A long-term SELF Heal Course will expand your consciousness in a way that allows you to share your new-found gifts to benefit those around you. Ask us how you can not only heal yourself but help others, today.

Redirect your life

Trauma, pain, anxiety and addiction cause us to veer off the path of our soul’s journey, but you can take back control of your life with SELF Heal Global’s SELF Heal Course.

Rediscover your life purpose and the very reason you were put on this earth.

Reconnect with your own energy source and experience the powerful awakening and enlightenment you can achieve through SELF Healing.

Reignite your passions and overcome procrastination by stripping away the things that have harmed you in your past and have no place in your future.

Replenish your soul and reignite your inner driving force, free from the binds of trauma and past experiences.

Learn from professional healer Kim

An intuitive and instinctual energy healer, Kim Page’s unique SELF Heal modality has been integral in the lives of hundreds of healed – helping those on their own healing journey to:

  • Overcome addiction
  • Calm anxiety and stress
  • Process trauma
  • Receive deep insights and realisations
  • Find their life purpose
  • Achieve their goals and dreams
  • Connected with higher consciousness, and so much more.

Want to know more about how Kim’s one-of-a-kind online SELF Heal Course can help you learn to self-comfort and establish a strong healthy loving relationship with yourself? Contact us today. Discover our other self healing solutions.


A reliable internet connection, a water bottle, a device with video and audio capacity, a quiet and private location to minimise distractions.

Experience the benefits of Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing with a journey course that ensures you can achieve ongoing and long-lasting healing and vitality.

You need no previous experience or knowledge to get the full advantages of both KAP and SELF Heal modalities.

Kim Page is an experienced healing guide who will guide you through this safe and non-invasive process of releasing past hurt and stepping into your potential and your light.

Results are often instantaneous. Clients report feeling an instant energy shift that magnifies in the days and weeks after their healing session. Read some of our client success stories.

Both in person and remote healing sessions will offer immediate results.


Those Kim has healed report feeling empowered, rejuvenated, relieved of shame and guilt and in control.

After KAP, Michelle felt more present with herself, and her arthritis went into remission.

“I had pain in my feet and back and it’s completely gone. Trauma also left my body – what an amazing feeling. I had more energy and mystical experience where my heart burst open, and I saw many colours. I also saw my spirit animal, which was so majestic. I highly recommend this process; I just love KAP.”


After SELF Healing, Robert no longer needed to reach for the bourbon each night after work.

“I was self-soothing myself with alcohol and it left me feeling laden down, tired, irritable and sick the next day. After meeting with Kim for a SELF Heal session, I uncovered a lot of the reasons why I felt insecure and unhappy – reasons that were deeply rooted in my childhood experiences. It took three sessions to feel as if the shame of my past was lifted from my shoulders and I stopped drinking altogether. I have never felt more in control of my health and my wellbeing. I wake up every morning feeling fresh, and the guilt of drinking too much is gone.”


Denise took a SELF Heal Course, and it changed the course of her life forever.

“I had to unlearn a lot of coping mechanisms that were wrapped up in my trauma, but after the course, I began to untangle everything, bit by bit. I would say the benefits were immediate, but they were not self-limiting. Now that I have detached myself from my past hurt and the things others have done to damage me, I can live the life I was meant to live – I can be free. I would say that I now have a feeling of safety and security that I never thought I’d get.”


Choose your path to healing

Are you tired? Overwhelmed? Trapped by trauma? Stuck in destructive patterns?

Stop surviving and begin thriving with SELF Heal.

KAP Immersion

KAP Immersion allows you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level, leaving you in an uplifted, higher state of being.

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SELF Personal Healing

Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing gently dissolves all pain, trauma and beliefs that cause you to comfort eat, smoke or self-medicate with alcohol.

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SELF Heal Course

A Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing Course teaches you how to be your own source of love and support in life.

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