SELF Healing Therapy Sessions

Renowned healer and Kundalini awakening practitioner Kim Page developed her own method of energy healing, known as Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing.

SELF Healing therapy is used as a tool to acknowledge and release past trauma and pain, allowing you to step into a future free of the things that have held you back in the past.

The unique modality is painless, safe and non-invasive.

One-on-one SELF Healing sessions with Kim

Blaxland NSW
  1. One-on-one SELF Healing therapy sessions with experienced SELF Healing facilitator, Kim Page
  2. Online or in-person healing sessions at the Blaxland NSW location
  3. Break the bonds of trauma and overcome addiction
  4. Half price offer – normally $1390 but available for $695 for a short time only
  5. 1-2 hour online session or 4-5 hour in-person session
  6. Go at your own pace – book as many sessions as you need

Self Heal With Kim Quantum Healing Hypnosis

Target the root cause

Unlike KAP, where no one speaks, Kim Page directs online SELF Healing sessions through her voice and guidance.

During SELF Healing, you sit in a chair or lay back and close your eyes, relax and completely surrender to the healing process. There is no music playing, and the sound of Kim’s voice will guide you as she targets specific areas in your body that need healing.

Kim facilitates the dissolving and releasing of addiction, pain and/or trauma in her 1-2 hour SELF Healing session and in her 4-5 hour regressive hypnosis session known as quantum hypnosis healing therapy or QHHT.

Kim’s SELF Healing or regressive hypnosis methods are a deep dive into specific areas that are unique to each person. Both processes identify the trauma, pain or block that is causing any issue or uncomfortable feelings, allowing this to be overcome once and for all.


Connect with your inner healer

A welcome by-product of the SELF Heal process is the connection you make with your own inner healing abilities.

Kim’s process will teach you to:

  • be your own best friend
  • learn new ways to cope with stress
  • discover how to partner with stress as a method of dealing with it.

The process, over time, instructs your body and mind to heal themselves and to manage difficult emotions and traumas without internalising the impact after the event has occurred. In a sense, you become your own healer, and Kim’s methods expand your understanding of your own consciousness and energy flow – allowing you to develop your own methods of self-soothing, outside of dependencies or unhealthy coping mechanisms. You’ll soon find yourself not craving alcohol any more, and overcoming addiction altogether.

Expand your energy field

Discover the benefits of learning to heal yourself through universal life source energy.

Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing founder and creator Kim Page assists you to use meditation and stillness to tune into your transcending energy and access relief from anxiety, find enhanced clarity and motivation and relinquish yourself from the binds of addiction and dependency.

Experience this holistic, non-invasive and gentle healing modality for yourself with a personal SELF Healing therapy session with Kim Page. Contact us to find out more.

Align with your life purpose

When this process has cleared your stagnant energy, resolved your past traumas and left the mind, body and spirit in harmony, you can then move on to aligning with your life purpose as a healed soul.

At SELF Heal, our ultimate goal is to help you to take back control of your life, to achieve the dreams you have been holding in your heart and to use your inner healing to help others around you.

After a Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing session, our past participants report feeling:

  • Increased motivation and energy
  • Less procrastination
  • Zest and gratitude for Life
  • Healthy eating habits
  • Increased joy, bliss and contentment
  • Synchronicity
  • Peace
  • Flow
  • Rejuvenation
  • Higher States of consciousness
  • Increased vibration and connection to source.

Connect with Kim to book a Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing personal session to help you achieve all of the above, and more.

SELF creator - Kim Page

Kim is a qualified KAP facilitator with a background in holistic energy healing modalities.

As the creator of Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing, Kim developed a unique healing therapy, specifically to assist those looking to overcome addiction, clear the body and mind of trauma and reduce anxiety and stress.

The process is gentle and personalised, can be conducted online and allows the participant to feel safe and relaxed right throughout.

After the session, you will feel immediately lighter and notice subtle changes in your daily life that align with your life purpose and life direction.

Book a personal SELF Heal session with Kim Page today.


A reliable internet connection, a water bottle, a device with video and audio capacity, a quiet and private location to minimise distractions.

Renowned healer Kim Page developed a unique modality of energy healing known as Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing to help her clients to release trauma and pain.

Often in a SELF-healing session there is no specific connection to past situations or lives. In other words, there is no story attached to the healing process. The issue being released is targeted intuitively and directly.

Whereas in a QHHT session the focus is on specific past situations, events, lives, and any effect this might have on us today. Hence why this modality is known as regressive hypnosis. The QHHT session require extra time as Kim facilitates the details of any past story that is influencing addictive behaviors or creating physical and emotional discomfort in your life now.

It is nothing like the once-popular staged hypnosis shows!

QHHT is often similar to a gentle meditative state. Regardless of the depth of the state you are in, you always maintain the ability to end the session if you feel the need to.

It is not necessary to believe in reincarnation to have a successful session. It is helpful that you believe in your body and the possibility that you can heal. When you allow this possibility, you set your intentions for improvement in every area of your life. Bring your open mind, your curiosity, and the belief that your session will provide you with everything you need.

Kim will help you and guide you. Believe it or not, not all of us see movies in our mind’s eye. Some of us have feeling, impressions and thoughts popping into our minds. You might even find that afterwards, you can visualize, though it’s not a prerequisite.

You may remember all, some, or very little of the actual session. Often, we remember initially and then begin to forget. You will receive a recording of your QHHT session for information and to help with further healing. Part of the post-session process is to listen to the recording again for deeper levels of release and understanding.

Kim is an experienced healing guide who will guide you through this safe and non-invasive process of releasing past hurt to allow you to become renewed.

Results are often instantaneous. Clients report feeling an instant energy shift that magnifies in the days and weeks after their healing session. Read some of our client success stories.

SELF healings with Kim are completely confidential, and for this reason, friends, family and loved ones will not be able to join the session. If you travel together to the session, they will be asked to wait in the car or to come back when the session is over. This way, you can fully relax and focus on yourself and your healing process without being concerned about anything else at the time. You deserve this special time devoted completely to you.

Your SELF-heal personal session with Kim can be held online or in-person. The online SELF-heal session is very time effective and it is so nice to relax in the comfort of your own home.

Your QHHT session is offered in-person only and for your in-person sessions, Kim is right there monitoring and taking care of you with either healing modality.

We always recommend you promptly seek medical diagnosis and treatment if you have any health concerns. Once you have a diagnosis, Kim can facilitate finding the underlying reasons for the imbalance. Note – Professional medical care should never be disregarded or delayed for any reason.

You may feel a sense of exhilaration after your session. Some report feeling relaxed or tired. Remember, the duration of an in-person QHHT session is unpredictable so avoid making plans afterwards. It’s always a good idea to self-nurture and take it easy afterwards. Go home and have a nice warm bath with Epsom salts.

Drink plenty of water to help release any toxins. Some like to drink fresh vege or fruit juice to have their system a break. It’s a good idea to bring a light snack to eat afterwards, such as a banana. Even if you are a bit tired, we recommend you go to bed at your usual time to maintain your body’s natural rhythm.

Before your QHHT session, it is essential you bring a list of questions you are seeking answers to with you. Jot these down beforehand to help set your intention and focus on healing. There are no rules for what questions to ask. When you put pen to paper, the questions will flow and come to you. Write them down without filtering.

Kim will help you fine-tune your questions during your time together, and it helps that you started the process beforehand.


Those Kim has healed report feeling empowered, rejuvenated, relieved of shame and guilt and in control.

After KAP, Michelle felt more present with herself, and her arthritis went into remission.

“I had pain in my feet and back and it’s completely gone. Trauma also left my body – what an amazing feeling. I had more energy and mystical experience where my heart burst open, and I saw many colours. I also saw my spirit animal, which was so majestic. I highly recommend this process; I just love KAP.”


After SELF Healing, Robert no longer needed to reach for the bourbon each night after work.

“I was self-soothing myself with alcohol and it left me feeling laden down, tired, irritable and sick the next day. After meeting with Kim for a SELF Heal session, I uncovered a lot of the reasons why I felt insecure and unhappy – reasons that were deeply rooted in my childhood experiences. It took three sessions to feel as if the shame of my past was lifted from my shoulders and I stopped drinking altogether. I have never felt more in control of my health and my wellbeing. I wake up every morning feeling fresh, and the guilt of drinking too much is gone.”


Denise took a SELF Heal Course, and it changed the course of her life forever.

“I had to unlearn a lot of coping mechanisms that were wrapped up in my trauma, but after the course, I began to untangle everything, bit by bit. I would say the benefits were immediate, but they were not self-limiting. Now that I have detached myself from my past hurt and the things others have done to damage me, I can live the life I was meant to live – I can be free. I would say that I now have a feeling of safety and security that I never thought I’d get.”


Choose your path to healing

Are you tired? Overwhelmed? Trapped by trauma? Stuck in destructive patterns?

Stop surviving and begin thriving with SELF Heal.

KAP Immersion

KAP Immersion allows you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level, leaving you in an uplifted, higher state of being.

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SELF Personal Healing

Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing gently dissolves all pain, trauma and beliefs that cause you to comfort eat, smoke or self-medicate with alcohol.

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SELF Heal Course

A Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing Course teaches you how to be your own source of love and support in life.

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