Overcoming addiction

The modern world can be overwhelming.

We are bombarded by information overload, which makes overcoming addiction very difficult.

We work at jobs we hate.

We attend institutions we despise.

We crave connection and camaraderie, but we find ourselves alone more often than not.

And when the sun goes down, we reach for our favourite vice and before too long, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and unhealthy obsessions rule our lives.

But there is a way out.

There is a light at the end of this dark tunnel you feel you will never emerge from.

At SELF Heal Global, we are ready to show you the way to freedom from your addictions and the chains that bind you to the life you hate.

Are you ready to start your healing journey?

Adult woman meditating in savasana pose on bamboo yoga mat

SELF and Kundalini Healing and addiction recovery

SELF Heal guide and Kundalini facilitator Kim Page knows all about the feelings of hopelessness that come with addiction.

Once upon a time, she too was bound by the chains of self-medicating to dull the pain of her life, the unresolved trauma of her past and her anxiety about the future.

She was stressed, depressed and oppressed by her part in the world she could not relate to.

But one day she decided to turn the tables and find a way out of her living hell.

“I know how hard it is to give up the things that you have used for so long to make you feel better. I have been there and I have felt the same feelings of hopelessness and despair.”

Kim threw herself into deep learning about ways to heal her body, relinquish control of her addictions and forge a better life, from within.

Her studies took her on a journey of healing and hope that culminated in the development of her own method of energy healing, known as Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing.

After using the methods to repair her own life, overcome her addictions and heal herself from within, Kim entered into a period of intensive study of the Kundalini Activation Process (KAP).

In training as a KAP practitioner, Kim developed an even deeper understanding of the transmission process of source or life force energy and has been helping others to surrender and rejuvenate ever since.

“I have felt the guilt that you feel and I have felt trapped by my own addictions and bad habits.

The good news is, you can find freedom from these vices, and I can show you how.

Both SELF and KAP Healing modalities can, and will, replace your need for addiction to substances, people and habits once and for all,” says Kim.

Woman with earphones meditating at home

Overcome your need to self-medicate

If you’ve ever wished there were some way to stop craving that bottle of wine after a hard day or packet of cigarettes when you feel your blood pressure rise, you have landed in the right place.

SELF Healing therapy and KAP Healing are gentle healing practices that teach your body to repair itself to live beyond the need for addictions and destructive behaviours.

After conquering her own traumas and overcoming addiction, Kim threw herself into learning how to help others do the same.

“Those who self-medicate are stuck in a cycle of self-defeating habits and self-inflicted torture. They can tell themselves over and over that tomorrow will be better, or that they’ll start a new chapter next week, but the fact is, the only way to defeat the never-ending cycle of hopelessness is to work through the reasons you got there in the first place.”

Male therapist performing reiki therapy self-treatment holding hands over his stomach

Conquer your past trauma

Both SELF Healing and KAP modalities are successful in dealing with the past traumas that cause individuals to reach for coping mechanisms, such as alcohol, that can lead to addictive behaviours.

Through a SELF Healing session with Kim, you can acknowledge and release past trauma and pain, allowing you to step into a future free of the things that have held you back in the past.

The unique modality, developed by Kim herself, is painless, safe and non-invasive and targets the root cause of your trauma.

Kim Page uses her voice to direct and guide all SELF Healing sessions.

During SELF Healing, you sit in a chair, close your eyes, relax and completely surrender to the healing process.

There is no music playing, and Kim will use only her voice guide you, as she targets specific areas in your body that need healing.

Kim instructs participants on how to release the pain or trauma and facilitates the dissolving of pain and/or trauma.

Woman sitting in a lotus position with right hand on heart chakra and left hand in a mudra position.

KAP transmission process

The Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is a transmission process of source or life force energy.

It is an activation process of surrender and rejuvenation.

KAP Immersion therapy allows you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level, leaving you in an uplifted, higher state of being.

Kim’s original and authentic KAP Activation energises and deepens your own energy flow – from the crown of your head and throughout your entire body.

This intelligent energy will provide you with exactly what you need to thrive and expand your energy field and wellbeing.

The process of KAP is safe, non-invasive and powerfully healing, but unlike a SELF Healing session, no words are spoken; rather, you will lie comfortably on a yoga mat, close your eyes, relax and surrender to the music.

While the music is playing, KAP facilitator and experienced healing practitioner Kim Page will gently guide your source energy from above to where you need it, while you lay safe and relaxed, with your eyes closed, on your own inner journey of healing.

Spontaneous movements may arise, accompanied by the sensation of energy moving through your body.

Some may receive deep insights and realisations, while others will arrive at a state of quiet bliss or a sudden expanded level of consciousness.

Break the curse once and for all

If you find yourself watching the clock each day until it’s an acceptable time to reach for that wine glass, ask yourself if you’d imagined a different outcome for yourself.

Ask yourself if there are other things you’d like to achieve that your current lifestyle is holding you back from pursuing.

If you are ready to take the first step to securing your future free from addiction and unhealthy habits, contact SELF Heal to discuss whether the SELF Healing, KAP immersion, or a combination of both, best suit your personalised needs.

Read more articles on self healing.

Are you tired? Overwhelmed? Trapped by trauma? Stuck in destructive patterns?

Stop surviving and begin thriving with SELF Heal.

KAP Immersion

KAP Immersion allows you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level, leaving you in an uplifted, higher state of being.

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SELF Personal Healing

Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing gently dissolves all pain, trauma and beliefs that cause you to comfort eat, smoke or self-medicate with alcohol.

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SELF Heal Course

A Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing Course teaches you how to be your own source of love and support in life.

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