“It is my calling to help heal those who seek to ignite their own divine energy, overcome destructive habits and heal from addiction, trauma and anxiety.”
It takes a special person to become a KAP facilitator.
Answering the call to training in the Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is something that Kim Page could not ignore.
After working with clients via her specially developed method, Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing, Kim knew there was more she needed to learn about helping others to clear trauma and rebuild their lives.
“The beauty of KAP is the ability to clear the trauma and move past it without having to speak about things that have hurt you in the past.
Instead of having to discuss things that were traumatic, you are able to experience the transfer of energy by relaxing and surrendering to the rhythm of music which will guide you through the process.”

Kundalini Activation Process (KAP)
SELF Heal’s healing leader, Kim Page, trained in the direct energy transmission process that is KAP under Kundalini founder, Venant Wong.
The Kundalini Activation Process – a gentle and safe healing modality – activates an awakening that can cause:
- Spontaneous movements
- Catharsis
- Deep insight
- Deep realisations.
Kim was initially drawn to Kundalini as a tool to allow her clients to overcome the trauma causing their addictive behaviours, without having to specifically talk through these issues as you would in her personally developed SELF Healing therapy sessions.
“Many people love SELF Healing for the chance to be guided by voice, and if necessary, talk through their problems and hidden traumas.
But in Kundalini, spiritual growth and physical embodiment is still possible by being guided by the music playing during the session.
A good KAP facilitator will be a silent conduit for the energy, but what goes on inside is much more complex and, quite frankly, incredibly healing and transformative.”

Direct energy transfer
Training as a KAP facilitator is an intense and all-consuming process undertaken by experienced energy healers such as Kim Page.
In its essence, KAP is a transmission, not a process, as the energy itself is transmitted through the body to evoke the awakening response.
It takes many months to become a qualified KAP practitioner and is a process Kim did not enter into lightly.
“I had great success in healing clients with my SELF Healing process, but I had a cross section of clients who were looking for something more along the lines of KAP.
As soon as I connected with Venant, I knew it was my calling to become a qualified KAP facilitator.
I cannot fully express how I feel; becoming capable in KAP healing has benefited my clients, and myself. It is truly an honour to carry out this awakening and the deep and intensive training I underwent to get here was worth every minute.”
Kundalini energy harnesses your own individual power, and Kundalini energy will begin flowing freely when the chakras are fully open.
The chakras are like gates into your consciousness and your dimensions of perception.
If you do have blocked chakras, they may block energy within and you may notice heat in the spine during a KAP session to signal this, or trouble sleeping after a session.
A combination of Kim’s own SELF Healing process and Kundalini Activation may be necessary to reach awakening.

Signs of a Kundalini awakening
So, what are the signs that you are having a Kundalini awakening after, or during, a KAP session?
These can vary for each individual, but usually include:
- A feeling of freedom
- A sense of peace and calm
- A euphoria or periods of euphoric moments
- A deep feeling of love and compassion
- No or very little reaction when old problems or past traumas are mentioned
- Pleasurable physical sensations
- New found mental clarity and strength
- A surge in creativity
- A surge in empathy.
The effects of Kundalini can be instant, but in most circumstances, some effects are noticed during the session and other effects can be seen in the weeks between sessions.
For most people, a self-realisation will be felt, including a combination of many of the above effects and an overwhelming sense that the essence of your being is truly immortal.
To Kim, this is the spiritual enlightenment that draws many to Kundalini.
“The spiritual experience of KAP is very powerful. When the chakras open and the life source energy begins to flow people may have visions, realisations, connections to other spirits and psychic insights.
But the most common effect is just an overwhelming feeling of love, self-love. Kundalini is the quintessential process of learning to love yourself again and to use that self-love to improve your life in every way.”
Contact Kim to find out more today. Read more articles on self healing.