Kundalini Activation Event

At SELF Heal, we run intensive KAP immersion events, allowing you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level. It is an activation process of surrender and rejuvenation.

KAP Immersion Session

  • A once-off, 2 hour group KAP Immersion session
  • Kim Page as your experienced KAP facilitator
  • Receive energy from a dynamic group session
  • Book at a Sydney or Melbourne location near you

Book your session

KAP - Safe, non-invasive and healing

Our KAP immersion therapy allows you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level, leaving you in an uplifted, higher state of being.

Kim’s original and authentic KAP Activation energises and deepens your own energy flow – from the crown of your head and throughout your entire body.

The process of KAP is safe, non-invasive and powerfully healing. At an immersion event, you will lie comfortably on a yoga mat, close your eyes, relax and surrender to the music.

As the music is playing, KAP facilitator and experienced healing practitioner Kim Page will gently guide your source energy where it is needed, from above, as you lie safe and relaxed, with your eyes closed, on your own inner journey of healing.

With continued exposure to KAP, a profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system can occur, supporting deeper integration of the energy into your daily life.

During immersions, every sign of Kundalini, or life force, awakening, from the initial subtle energy flow, to later on in the process, manifestations of embodied, non-dual states of being and movement may be experienced.

The KAP process is safe and gentle and will not shock your system. It is a cathartic and powerful transmission of energy to release unprocessed emotions, past pain and trauma.

All emotions are welcome and simply pass through and are gone.

You may feel like singing, laughing, crying, or remaining silent as these shifting emotions pass through, as you lie on the mat through the process, listening and at times moving your body to the music. Each experience is unique to the individual.

Awaken your energy

During KAP, the healing energy comes in through the crown of the participant’s head, working its way down through their body to the base of the spine before it flows back up and out of the crown of the head.

To better understand KAP, think of a road where traffic flows up one side and back on the other side.

KAP keeps the energy flowing up and down the spine in both directions at the same time.

With repeated KAP experiences, the road becomes like a two-lane highway, then a three-lane highway, and then eventually, a five-lane highway.

Each time there will be a greater and stronger flow as the energy moves through – clearing away all that no longer serves you.

KAP facilitator Kim

Kim is a trained facilitator who channels the energy and increases the strength of the flow for greater healing and wellbeing.

Music is playing, which helps facilitate the healing, but Kim does not talk or instruct during the KAP process.

We recommend you eat lightly before the session and drink plenty of water.

Bring your water bottle and light, healthy snacks for break time, plus your favourite soft yoga mat to lie on. Wear loose comfy clothing so you feel free to move with the music.

Connect with Kim

Are you ready to take control of your life, redirect your energy flow and build a better future for yourself and those around you? Connect with Kim today.

Kim can advise you on the best path to your healing and rejuvenation.

SELF Heal offers personalised self healing therapy, guidance, support and community for those on the path of healing.

If you are ready to access healing, attain a higher state of consciousness and forge a deeper connection to yourself, contact us today.


Wear loose-fitting clothing (pants & top), and bring a soft yoga mat, a small, soft blanket and a water bottle.

The Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is a healing modality for surrender and rejuvenation.

A KAP Immersion allows you to fully engage in the KAP process to reach an uplifted and higher state of being.

KAP is a direct energy transmission that activates the Kundalini awakening process. Kim Page was trained under KAP master, Venant Wong.

YES! Experienced or not, the best way to show up for a KAP class is with a beginner’s mindset. Some of us are innately sensitive to surrounding energy and unaware we are. KAP is a transmission of energy, and your focus is to relax, receive, and have an open mind. It’s about feeling and relaxing and not about experience or studying.

It’s best to eat lightly beforehand. Avoid caffeine and definitely no consumption alcohol or mood-altering drugs beforehand for at least 24 hours.

Always a good idea to eat something healthy after class and take a break before jumping in your car and driving home. Allow enough time to reorient yourself after the session.

Most participants report that the experience is so enjoyable that the time flew by, and they were disappointed when the session ended.

Even though the experience is relaxing, enjoyable and healing, please know that you are in complete control of yourself during the whole time and can bring yourself out of the process if you desire.

Kim Page is an experienced healer, KAP facilitator and SELF Healing practitioner with the experience, knowledge and sacred gifts required to help you to purify your energy and connect with your source energy during a KAP Immersion.

Results are often instantaneous. Clients report feeling an instant energy shift that magnifies in the days and weeks after their healing session. Read some of our success stories here.

Experienced healer Kim Page will gently guide you through the release of your traumatic bonds, and ultimately, your path to overcoming addiction.

If you are pregnant and in your third trimester, we recommend you wait until after birth to continue with the transmissions. Before the third trimester is fine as long as you are feeling well and can participate in activities such as gym activities or yoga. We appreciate you letting your facilitator know that you are pregnant before attending a KAP session. It is the participant’s responsibility to know their individual limitations as guided by their doctor and to be aware of what positions to avoid that can harm mother and baby.

Yes. Many students report that KAP helped them with their anxiety/depression. Some people who are taking antidepressant medication suspected they might be less sensitive to energy transmission. Whilst others’ experience was fine.

KAP is not recommended for those prone to mental illness. You will find this process will expand your capacity to feel, and you will need the capacity to handle any emotional process in between sessions. If this is too difficult to manage on your own, we recommend you not continue.


Those Kim has healed report feeling empowered, rejuvenated, relieved of shame and guilt and in control.

After KAP, Michelle felt more present with herself, and her arthritis went into remission.

“I had pain in my feet and back and it’s completely gone. Trauma also left my body – what an amazing feeling. I had more energy and mystical experience where my heart burst open, and I saw many colours. I also saw my spirit animal, which was so majestic. I highly recommend this process; I just love KAP.”


After SELF Healing, Robert no longer needed to reach for the bourbon each night after work.

“I was self-soothing myself with alcohol and it left me feeling laden down, tired, irritable and sick the next day. After meeting with Kim for a SELF Heal session, I uncovered a lot of the reasons why I felt insecure and unhappy – reasons that were deeply rooted in my childhood experiences. It took three sessions to feel as if the shame of my past was lifted from my shoulders and I stopped drinking altogether. I have never felt more in control of my health and my wellbeing. I wake up every morning feeling fresh, and the guilt of drinking too much is gone.”


Denise took a SELF Heal Course, and it changed the course of her life forever.

“I had to unlearn a lot of coping mechanisms that were wrapped up in my trauma, but after the course, I began to untangle everything, bit by bit. I would say the benefits were immediate, but they were not self-limiting. Now that I have detached myself from my past hurt and the things others have done to damage me, I can live the life I was meant to live – I can be free. I would say that I now have a feeling of safety and security that I never thought I’d get.”


Choose your path to healing

Are you tired? Overwhelmed? Trapped by trauma? Stuck in destructive patterns?

Stop surviving and begin thriving with SELF Heal.

KAP Immersion

KAP Immersion allows you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level, leaving you in an uplifted, higher state of being.

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SELF Personal Healing

Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing gently dissolves all pain, trauma and beliefs that cause you to comfort eat, smoke or self-medicate with alcohol.

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SELF Heal Course

A Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing Course teaches you how to be your own source of love and support in life.

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