Ways to stop craving alcohol

people with closed eyes meditating in Savasana pose on floor,

Read on if you want to stop craving alcohol and free yourself from addiction.

The clock strikes 5pm.

Your working day is over and the sun begins to set.

If this triggers your desire to reach for the wine glass or the beer cooler, listen up.

There is a gentle, safe and healing way you can stop craving alcohol and start living a healthier and more fulfilling existence.

At SELF Heal, we understand how the stressors of modern-day life can lead to the adoption of unhealthy habits and addictions.

In fact, SELF Heal’s very own Kim Page lived that life before she took the path to enlightenment.

“I know you feel guilt and shame about your addictions. I know you wish you could stop but even when you try your best, you go back to it. I know this so well because I was that person too.

I have been there and I struggled to put down the addictions that I used to self-soothe.

But there is a way to free yourself.”

At SELF Heal, we offer our clients safe and proven healing modalities to help them to take back control of their lives.

Group of people doing a Savasana exercise in class

Experience the profound healing of Kundalini

It sounds too good to be true, but there is a way to heal the mind, body and spirit while overcoming the addictions that have enslaved you.

At SELF Heal, we use a combination of Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing and Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) therapies to help our clients to dissolve the pain, trauma and addictions that are holding them back in life.

If you’ve tried other healing therapies in the past but returned to your vices, this is the answer you have been searching for.

When many clients first connect with Kim they are in deep shame over their current state, but just one Kundalini immersion event can change the entire trajectory of their lives.

“There is so much guilt wrapped up in addiction and other therapies are unable to release this guilt in a way that allows the person to leave their addictions behind.

With Kundalini, you are able to connect with source energy and love on a deeper level to unlock whatever it is you need to thrive and expand your energy field and wellbeing.”

Senior man meditating on a wooden floor of living room

Kundalini healing and self-love

For many caught up in the cycle of shame that is synonymous with addiction, it is hard to believe that the key to stop craving alcohol is to increase your capacity for self-love, but according to Kim Page, this is precisely what is needed.

“Addiction comes from using substances or habits to self soothe pain from trauma or events that were not processed properly by the body.

Kundalini ignites an awakening in the body that allows you to love yourself again.

When you love yourself and can apply self-love, you no longer need to medicate yourself to relax or unwind.

You learn to self-heal, and self-healing through self-love is the very core of what I do to help my clients.”

KAP Immersion allows you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level, leaving you in an uplifted, higher state of being.

Kim’s original and authentic KAP Activation energises and deepens your own energy flow – from the crown of your head and throughout your entire body.

This intelligent energy will provide you with exactly what is needed for you to thrive and expand your energy field and wellbeing.

man with curly hair, practicing yoga lesson with group in gym

Stop self-medicating with alcohol

While addictions can come in all shapes and sizes and may include comfort eating, smoking or other habits, most often alcohol is involved in an individual’s self-soothing mechanism.

But there is a way to stop self-medicating with alcohol and regain control of your life and your overall health.

At SELF Heal, both our KAP and SELF Heal modalities can be targeted to shift the pain and trauma that are at the core of your desire to reach for a drink.

In a SELF Healing session, Kim guides you by voice through a process of releasing your trauma bonds and dissolving the pain that triggers addictive behaviours.

The process is non-invasive and powerfully healing.

For those who prefer musical guidance only, a KAP session with Kim does not use vocal guidance, but sees Kim gently guide your source energy where it is needed, from above, while you lay safe and relaxed, with your eyes closed, on your own inner journey of healing.

A combination of both therapies may be necessary to clear your chakras to allow energy to flow freely.

Contact us today for a personalised plan. Read more articles on self healing.

Are you tired? Overwhelmed? Trapped by trauma? Stuck in destructive patterns?

Stop surviving and begin thriving with SELF Heal.

KAP Immersion

KAP Immersion allows you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level, leaving you in an uplifted, higher state of being.

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SELF Personal Healing

Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing gently dissolves all pain, trauma and beliefs that cause you to comfort eat, smoke or self-medicate with alcohol.

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SELF Heal Course

A Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing Course teaches you how to be your own source of love and support in life.

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