Shelley Henkel stopped self-medicating and started living

Before connecting with Kim Page, Shelley Henkel was feeling lost. She was self-medicating with alcohol on the weekends, but has now stopped drinking altogether.


Peaceful satisfied woman stretching with hands behind head after finish computer work on cozy sofa in living room

A profound spiritual awakening

“I experienced a spontaneous spiritual awakening and although I had no idea what was happening to me, I knew it was profound and very real.”

Something was happening to Shelley Henkel, but she wasn’t sure what.

After quitting her job, she began meditating obsessively and trawling the internet to find a description that best fit the awakening she was experiencing.

“Then after weeks, I found it: Kundalini.”

Young relaxed woman in active wear lying in Dead Body pose while practicing yoga at home

“I had involuntarily raised my Shakti energy”

“I began to meditate daily and enrolled in a yoga and reiki course. I studied everything I could find.

The late-night searches on Google continued and then one evening my search led me to KAP. I knew immediately that I wanted to do a session.”

Group of young sporty people practicing yoga lesson, doing Savasana, Dead Body pose,

“I found Kim, and everything fell into place”

“Kim welcomed us into the yoga studio with her warm energy and placed us in a circle. A loud, penetrating breathing sound began over the sound system. My body instantly started to tingle.”

For Shelley, it was as if she was electrified – a feeling she describes as feeling as if “someone pierced my heart open.

Over the next four hours we were led through a magical journey of self-discovery. My body moved, writhed, flexed and jolted into ecstasy.”

"A chance to touch the divine...”

“In KAP, you have the chance to touch the divine, to feel it inside you. A solid moment when you realise you are more than a body. You are a spirit.

It is an instant understanding, a mental download teaching us that the divine lives in each and every one of us. It is completely life changing.”

Woman sitting on a couch Self-Healing Heart Chakra Meditation

“Before I found Kundalini…”

“Before I found Kundalini I was suffering from depression and anxiety. I found myself caught in a terrible cycle of self-abuse. I was ignoring my soul, and it was making me sick.

Within weeks of my Kundalini Activation, I stopped taking my antidepressants, I stopped drinking, I stopped eating meat and I began to control the relentless negativity in my mind.”

Happy woman breathing fresh air outdoors in summer with trees

"I am still a work in progress"

“My traumas lie deep, but thanks to my connection to source, to Kundalini, I now remember who I’m supposed to be.

I am a strong woman who is capable of anything, and you will hear me roar!”

Connect to your divine energy source

Overcome trauma and set aside your addictions to step into your new life with the insightful and intensive therapies available to you from SELF Heal.

Our experienced healer and KAP facilitator, Kim Page, will tailor our services to suit your specific needs for growth and awakening.

Don’t keep doing what you’ve always done – step into your higher power with SELF Heal.

Contact Kim to start your life anew. Read more self heal case studies.

Choose your path to healing

Are you tired? Overwhelmed? Trapped by trauma? Stuck in destructive patterns?

Stop surviving and begin thriving with SELF Heal.

KAP Immersion

KAP Immersion allows you to connect with source energy and love on a deep level, leaving you in an uplifted, higher state of being.

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SELF Personal Healing

Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing gently dissolves all pain, trauma and beliefs that cause you to comfort eat, smoke or self-medicate with alcohol.

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SELF Heal Course

A Source Energy Life Force (SELF) Healing Course teaches you how to be your own source of love and support in life.

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